Poetry Spot

Great poems to read anytime

©2004 Saucer Industries

Dead Man's Fife

Wind Whistles,

adding flavor to life,

Is the peaceful whistle,

of the Dead Man's Fife .


"Wonderful noise,"

says the baker's wife,

"Is the peaceful whistle,

of the Dead Man's Fife ."


"Listen!" says the children,

"Listen with all you might,

Is the peaceful whistle,

of the Dead Man's Fife ."


"Beautiful music," says the butcher,

as he puts down his knife,

"Is the  peaceful whistle,

of the Dead Man's Fife ."


Oh wonderful, beautiful music,

adding flavor to life,

Is the peaceful whistle,

of the Dead Man's Fife .


When dawn starts to come,

washing away all the night,

you can still hear the peaceful echo,

of the Dead Man's Fife.


Football, Basketball,

I like 'em all.

Baseball, hocky,

I like boxing.

Swimming Canoeing,

I'm not fooling,

I like Sports




I nap in class real well,

When I do, the teacher yells,

He says in a snap,

Detention for nap,

Oh goody, there’s the bell.


Quiet a rapping poem

Everybody's alseep,

no one makes a peep,

outside there's a riot,

in here it's quiet.


You know what happin',

you hear me rappin,

so stop dissin'

an just listen,

It's quiet in here.



Try to catch me

You want to help.

You want to help me when I fall.

You want to catch me.

You can’t.

Try, try, and try again

Is what they say.

It won’t work.

Come on, try to catch me.

Would you go where I go?

Would you follow,

Even if I led you to death?

Would you make the same mistakes,

Would you go down the same bad roads?

Would you?

So do it. Follow me.

Are you good enough to want to catch

My fall? Are you?

We shall find out. So come on,

come and try to catch me

Come on and catch me,

If you can.


No one can stop you

No one can stop your mission,

not unless you let them.

They can try, they can plot.

Bit it won't work.

Know why?

Beaquse they can't.

Unless you let them.

If you let cute remarks get to youm

and you don't forgive as fast,

then, perhaps, you will be knocked down. 

But you can always get up again.

No matter what, or how, or ho,

Don't let them get you down. 

Because no matter how anyone can try

no one can stop you.


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