Mission: RENO

The Fellowship Church



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Smile Katy!

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These cats are too cool for shopping, so they chill on the deck.

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I don't know what this thing is but I like it.

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"The Biltmore Garage wants a grand.." Sorry, we're doing Guys and Dolls.

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Nate Kinevil preps to make his dareing leap across the icy waters of Lake Tahoe.

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"Now watch me click my heels in the air on the way back!"

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"HEY! These rocks have fur!"

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This lizzard was kind enough to pose for a second while I tried to fix my banged up camera.

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The water is so calm.

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Cool! Ponderosa, home of Bonanza! What's a Bonanza?

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Time to head on into the city of Reno.

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It's flashy, yes?

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Luring unsuspecting people into it's doors and trapping them until they're broke.

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El Dorado, huh? Like that Disney movie?

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It's the imfamous sign.

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Pardon my blurry. Dropped the camera and didn't know how to fix it.

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Chillin' under the sign.

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More lights.

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It's like a theatre only with no movies.

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Nate and Snakebite aren't the brightest crayons in the box.

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This is pretty bright though.

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HEY! My hand fits PERFECTLY into Michael J. Fox's print. AHH! It was destiny.

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"C'mon Nate, let's go ahead home."



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